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Do You Know What An INDICIA Is?

Indicia (pronounced in-dee-shuh)

Indicia is an imprint on each mail piece that indicates prepaid postage.

A postal Indicia replaces a stamp and is commonly printed directly on the pieces to be mailed. This saves the time and expense of applying postage manually.

By Permit Only

If you use US Bulk Mail & Printing, you can use our permit for your indicia instead of having to secure your own permit! Keep in mind that an indicia is used for mail sent out in batches, as little as 200 pieces.

Placement and Format

The postal service requires the indicia to be printed in the upper right corner of the mailer, where the postage stamp would typically be placed.

Per postal service regulations, an indicia must contain certain information and be formatted in a certain way. Also, your mailing must be processed by the post office that issued the permit.

Please call US Bulk Mail & Printing prior to printing your mailer for confirmation that the permit placement and information is correct!

If you have any additional questions about using an Indicia or need any guidance about printing or direct mail, give US Bulk Mail & Printing a call for your next upcoming mailing. 301-798-5042. We will make your next direct mail campaign easier than you ever imagined!

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